Sunday, May 8, 2011

Great Turnout

Hey Space Placers!

I am CONVINCED that people want to learn more about the Universe in which they live. Part of my proof is that you are reading my blog, and the number of people who attend astronomy related events.

Last Wednesday we had almost 50 people show up at George Mason University Observatory to look through telescopes at the night sky. We had a fantastic flyby of the International Space Station which was a real crowd pleaser. Saturn, the stars and general discussion was also popular.

Yesterday's Astronomy Day event hosted by Northern Virginia Astronomy Club (NOVAC) had over a hundred people of all ages attend - in spite of threatening clouds. Even with the clouds people still looked at and through telescopes and listened to a variety of speakers including yours truly. The event, despite the clouds, was a success.

Courtesy of P. Derby

I encourage you to get out to one of these events and have a personal experience with the sky. Who knows, it could change the way you look at the world and the sky above. You can look at my May 1st blog on Earth and sky events to find one in your area within the DC area. For those of you around the world check the 'net for any observatory or club in your area.

You won't regret spending time under the stars with fellow admirers of the night sky.

See you there!

Sky Guy in VA

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