Monday, July 2, 2012

Helping Out VISTA Science Teachers

Hey Space Placers!

Thought I would share my participation in an excellent program being conducted in Virginia to help science teachers. Called VISTA or Virginia Initiative for Science Teaching and Achievement, this weeks long science camp provides science teahcers from across the state to meet, collaborate and learn science that they can take back to their classrooms.  VISTA is part of George Mason University (GMU)who has partnered with other state schools and industry. The camp is held at GMU as well.

This summer the theme is "Space Exploration" and covers astronomy and space exploration. I was asked to participate in themaking of relevant videos to help the teams in their respective projects. WHat a great honor to help those who are teaching the future of our Nation and the world.

If you get a chance visit the VISTA Facebook page - to keep up with their activities and view the videos. Here is one we made last week and another is in production now and should be on Facebook later today -

Sky Guy in VA

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