As I am watching "spittin' snow" come down here in Central VA, I extend Christmas and Holiday Season good wishes to you all. My blog has reached many countries and thousands of people worldwide. Let us be united in our connection to the sky and the wonders it contains.
If your skies are clear tonight and/or tomorrow night - enjoy the stars of winter this special time of year. Jupiter is the brightest object in the sky after the glorious Moon. If you have snow on the ground the Moon will provide a special view of the world at night.
Orion the Hunter rises an hour after sunset and the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius, joins Orion in the southeast between 7 and 8 p.m. Sirius is a treat to watch as it blazes away in all its glory. When low in the sky Sirius becomes a celestial diamond sparkling with fiery colors and the view in binoculars or a telescope is mesmerizing.
Take time to ponder the sky and its singular beauty this holiday season. The unique quiet and solitude, enjoyed with family and friends is beyond compare.
Christmas Night will have a special treat for all of us to see - more on that tomorrow. Until then, enjoy this spectacular Hubble Space Telescope picture of a dying star that is reseeding the Universe with its created elements that will go on to seed new stars and planets.

Sky Guy in VA
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