Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Drill Baby, Drill

Hey Space Placers!

NASA announced yesterday at their teleconference about Curiosity that a site has been selected to conduct the first ever drilling on Mars. Curiosity is equipped with a drill that will enable her to probe the interior of a rock and learn much more than would be possible with static study. The area has been named 'John Klein' for a member of the Curiosity team that died in 2011.

The area selected is intriguing as there are veins of minerals that interlace with a flat rock surface which means that water probably was active in forming the region long ago. Drilling is expected to commence in the next few days.

This view shows the patch of veined, flat-lying rock selected as the first drilling site for NASA's Mars rover Curiosity.

NASA also commented that the "flower" on Mars is nothing more than a clear mineral grain.

Sky Guy in VA

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