Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Curiosity Back On Track

Hey Space Placers!

Happy Spring! Saw the International Space Station (ISS) flyover before dawn today, March 20, which is the first day of spring starting at 7:02 a.m. (EDT). Sky was ver clear and the constellations of summer are in full bloom in the sky.

As I expected, Curiosity exited "Safe Mode" yesterday and is just a few short days away from resuming full science operations which is very good news indeed.

This self-portrait of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity combines 66 exposures

Curiosity will stay on Computer B side and use the Computer A side as a back up. The change over occurred Feb 28.

The nuclear powered lab-rover should start science ops be week's end. Other operations include preparing for a moratorium on commands sent from Earth in April as Mars will be passing behind the Sun and the JPL team does not want to take a chance on commands getting garbled by the Sun.

Sky Guy in VA

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