Monday, July 15, 2013

Sky Guy Viewing ALERT 7-15-13 Moon and Spica Meet

Hey Space Placers!

If you skies are clear go out after it gets dark and watch the First Quarter Moon meet up with the bright blue star Spica in the southwest.

For observers in lower latitudes in the Americas and the Pacific, the Moon will actually occult, or cover up, the star. For others it will be a very close pass. Everyone will be able to see the Moon move relative to the star over the course of several hours which is caused by the Moon's easterly orbital movement. The two will get closer as the pair edge towards the western horizon and eventually set.

Binoculars will help the view. Be sure to look at the Moon and see the craters on the terminator - the line between night and day.

Read More About It:

Sky Guy in VA

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