Tuesday, June 6, 2017

A RARE Lunar Halo

Hey Space Placers!

Check out this pic of mine from 6/4/17 of a lunar halo which I thought looked unusual.

A Rare Lunar Halo On 6/4/17
Greg Redfern
A Rare Lunar Halo Close Up On 6/4/17
Greg Redfern
When I submitted my photo to the great folks at Earth & Sky, the editor Deborah Byrd, did some checking and found out some neat stuff. I had captured a rare lunar halo event

The funny part of this is that I had noticed a "regular" lunar halo earlier in the evening and took a pic with my iPhone and put it out on Twitter. But then I did my last look of the sky which I do every single night I noticed the unusual halo hanging low in the West. I went inside and got my camera and took a series of pics with different lenses. The rest is on the Internet ;-)

Moral of the story? always watch the sky and keep your camera handy!

Sky Guy in VA

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