February 18th, 2020 after or before dawn depending on your location, the waning crescent Moon will cover, or occult, the planet Mars. Where you live determines if you can see the event and at what time.

Here are the times for some cities provided by Sky and Telescope:
New York City, NY — 7:36:37 a.m. / 9:05:49 a.m. EST
Atlanta, GA — 7:07:29 a.m. / 8:45:13 a.m. EST
Columbus, OH — 7:14:47 a.m. / 8:45:48 a.m. EST
Nashville, TN — 6:04:12 a.m. / 7:38:49 a.m. CST
Chicago, IL — 6:07:10 a.m. / 7:35:02 a.m. CST
Kansas City, MO — 5:52:48 a.m. / 7:20:43 a.m. CST
Phoenix, AZ — 4:37:27 a.m. / 5:40:07 a.m. MST
Boise, ID — Reappearance only at 5:49:02 a.m. MST
San Francisco, CA — Reappearance only at 4:30:57 a.m. PST
Seattle, WA — Reappearance only at 4:47:41 a.m. PST
For a more comprehensive list see the Sky and Telescope article.
You can watch Mars get close to the Moon and disappear with your own eyes unless you are in daylight. Using binoculars or a telescope is your best bet for viewing the occultation.
Here's to clear skies for everyone.
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