Friday, January 12, 2024


 Hey, Space Placers!

Data visualization of global temperature anomalies progressing from 1880 to 2023 mapped onto Earth. The map uses color to represent anomalies, ranging from blue for below average temperatures, white for temperatures at baseline, and yellows ranging through oranges and reds to represent higher and higher than average temperatures. At the beginning of the time series, the map is primarily blues and whites, with a few spots of yellow, indicating that temperatures overall are below the baseline. As time progresses, the colors shift and move, with less and less blue and white and more and more yellow, then orange, and red. By 2023, the map is mostly yellow with lots of orange and red. The Arctic region, Europe, Asia, North America, central South America, and the Antarctic peninsula are all dark red, indicating the highest temperature anomalies.

This map of Earth in 2023 shows global surface temperature anomalies, or how much warmer or cooler each region of the planet was compared to the average from 1951 to 1980. Normal temperatures are shown in white, higher-than-normal temperatures in red and orange, and lower-than-normal temperatures in blue. An animated version of this map shows global temperature anomalies changing over time, dating back to 1880. Download this visualization from NASA Goddard’s Scientific Visualization Studio:

NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio

Check out the video below and the news release


Climate change is here to stay and is going to cause ever worsening weather as the planet's temperature goes up. It's up to humanity to confront the causes of climate change and take the necessary steps to halt and reverse it.

Sky Guy in VA

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