Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sky Guy Viewing ALERT 12-25-12 Moon and Jupiter

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Space Placers!

Tonight at sunset look at the Moon and Jupiter in the East, they are very close together for a gorgeous sight.

The two will keep each other company but will slowly separate as the night wears on due to the motion of the Moon towards the East.

Enjoy the view and if you have a new telescope from Santa be sure to take a peek at Jupiter to see the Great Red Spot and craters on the Moon

If Santa bought you a new camera, try taking your first sky shot using a tripod and a time exposure.

Read More About It: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2012/21dec_christmasnight/

On Christmas I always pause and reflect on how the sky was the same for Jesus in His time as it is for us today. It is a connection through the ages that we all can enjoy.

Peace and joy to you and yours.......

Sky Guy in VA

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